
星座解析- 2023-07-05 13:01:58

"When Harry Met Sally" - A Reflection on Love and Marriage

Love and marriage, two words that are often used together but carry different meanings for different people. For some, it's the ultimate expression of commitment and devotion, while for others, it's a source of pain and disappointment. Like many other aspects of life, the concept of love and marriage is complex, and the movie "When Harry Met Sally" is a perfect portrayal of this complexity.

The movie, released in 1989, revolves around the lives of two friends, Harry and Sally, who meet after graduating from college. Over the years, they keep bumping into each other, but it's not until much later that they realize they're in love. However, this realization comes with its own set of challenges, and they must find a way to navigate the obstacles in their pursuit of a happy and fulfilling life together.

Through its witty dialogue and relatable characters, "When Harry Met Sally" explores the various nuances of love and marriage, such as the fear of commitment, the challenges of long-term relationships, and the importance of communication. The movie shows how Harry and Sally struggle with their feelings for each other and their apprehension about the future. Sally is afraid of getting hurt and wants to take things slow, while Harry is impatient and wants to jump into a relationship. However, as they spend more time together and get to know each other better, they begin to understand each other's fears and eventually find a way to compromise.

One of the most memorable scenes in the movie is the famous "I'll have what she's having" scene, where Sally fakes an orgasm in the middle of a crowded restaurant to prove a point to Harry. This scene brings to light the issue of communication, as Sally points out that most men believe they can tell when a woman is faking an orgasm when, in reality, they can't. This scene emphasizes the importance of honest and open communication in a relationship, not just in terms of sexuality but also in other areas such as emotions, expectations, and preferences.

Another aspect of love and marriage that the movie explores is the notion of soulmates. Harry and Sally are both flawed characters, and their relationship is far from perfect. However, they share a deep connection and a sense of comfort around each other that is hard to find with anyone else. The movie portrays the idea that a soulmate is not necessarily someone who is perfect but rather someone who complements you and makes you feel complete in their own unique way.

In conclusion, "When Harry Met Sally" is a poignant reflection on love and marriage, and the complexities and joys that come with it. It shows that love is not just about the grand gestures and romantic moments but also about the mundane, everyday moments that make life worth living. It emphasizes the importance of communication, compromise, and acceptance in any relationship and highlights the idea that true love is not about finding the perfect partner but rather about finding someone who accepts you for who you are and complements you in their own imperfect way.

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