How to Say "Violating Marriage" in English
Marriage is a sacred and important institution in many cultures and societies around the world. It is a union between two people who have committed to spending their lives together, supporting each other through thick and thin. However, sometimes people break the trust and vows they made in marriage and engage in behaviors that are considered violations of the sacred bond.
When referring to acts that violate the sanctity of marriage, there are several English phrases commonly used. Some of the most common ones include cheating, infidelity, adultery, and unfaithfulness. Each of these phrases may have slightly different connotations and can be used in different contexts.
Cheating is perhaps the broadest term, and refers to any act of dishonesty or deception in a relationship. This could include anything from lying about one's whereabouts to concealing financial information from one's spouse. Cheating can happen in various forms and contexts, and does not necessarily have to refer to sexual infidelity.
However, when people talk about violating marriage vows in the context of sexual matters, the term adultery is often used. Adultery refers specifically to sexual relations between a married person and someone who is not their spouse. This is considered a very serious violation of trust that can cause immense pain and distress to the betrayed spouse.
Infidelity is a broader term that encompasses both cheating and adultery, as well as any other acts that go against the commitment to faithfulness in a marriage. This could include emotional affairs, where one partner becomes emotionally intimate with someone outside of the marriage, or engaging in other forms of intimacy that one's partner would find hurtful or inappropriate.
Unfaithfulness is another common term used to describe marital violations, which typically refers to a failure to fulfill one's commitments and promises to one's spouse. This could include anything from neglecting to support one's partner during difficult times, to failing to show up for important events or breaking promises.
Regardless of the specific phrase used, acts that violate the sanctity of marriage are generally viewed as morally wrong and can have serious consequences for all involved. They can cause immense emotional pain, damage trust, and even lead to the end of a marriage altogether.
Overall, while there are several phrases in English to describe violating marriage, the important thing is to remember that marriage is a sacred bond that should be treated with respect and honor. It is crucial to communicate honestly with one's partner, build trust, and make a commitment to keeping the promises made on the day of the wedding. Only then can a marriage thrive and endure through the ups and downs of life.